Als literair agentschap vertegenwoordigen wij vooraanstaande uitgevers en literair agenten uit de hele wereld. Namens deze cliënten verkopen wij vertaallicenties in het Nederlandse taalgebied en in Scandinavië in vrijwel alle genres.
Amerika / U.S.A.
- Abrams Books (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Alliance Rights Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - Anderson Literary Management
Literary agency - Ayesha Pande Literary (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - Bernstein Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - Stuart Bernstein Representation for Artists
Literary agency - Bookcase Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - BookEnds Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - Georges Borchardt Inc.
Literary agency - Calligraph (Dutch + Nordic rights)
- Literary agency
- Chase Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
- Literary agency
- The Gernert Company
Literary agency - Granity Studios
Publisher - Harlequin Trade Publishing (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Harper Collins U.S.A. (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Harper Collins Children’s Books U.S. (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - JABberwocky (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - John Hawkins & Associates
Literary agency - Hill Nadell
Literary agency - HG Agency
Literary agency - The Lotts Agency
- Literary agency
- McCormick Literary
Literary agency - Melville House Publishing
Publisher - W.W. Norton & Company (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Park, Fine & Brower
Literary agency - Parse Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - Penguin Group
Publisher - Princeton University Press
Publisher - Red Hen Press (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Jane Rotrosen Agency
Literary Agency - Shambhala Publications
Publisher - Denise Shannon Literary Agency
Literary Agency - Sobel Weber Associates
Literary Agency - Philip G. Spitzer Literary Agency
Literary Agency - Sterling Lord Literistic
Literary Agency - Straus Literary
Literary Agency - The Whalen Agency
Literary Agency - Wattpad Webtoon (Dutch + Nordic rights)
- Nancy Yost Literary Agency
Literary Agency - Zone Books
Australië / Australia
- Jenny Darling & Associates
Literary Agency - Pantera Press
België / Belgium
- Zeitgeist Agency
Literary Agency
Brazilië / Brazil
- Agência Riff (Dutch + German + Nordic rights)
Literary agency
- Acacia House
Literary agency - Bukowski Agency
Literary agency - Harper Collins Canada
Publisher - Transatlantic Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - Westwood Creative Artists
Literary agency
- The Grayhawk Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - CA-Link Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency
Duitsland / Germany
- AVA International Autoren- und Verlagsagentur
Literary Agency - Beltz Verlagsgruppe (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Campus Verlag (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - C.H. Beck Verlag
- Publisher
- Verlagsgruppe Droemer Knaur
Publisher - dtv Verlag (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Goya
Literary Agency - Verlage Herbig & Nymphenburger
Literary Agency - Kosmos Verlag (kinderboeken)
Publisher - Edition Nautilus
Publisher - S. Fischer Verlage (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Literarische Agentur Gaeb & Eggers
Literary Agency - Marcel Hartges Literatur- und Filmagentur
Literary Agency - Hoffmann und Campe Verlag
- Publisher
- Keil + Keil Literatur-Agentur
Literary Agency - Kiepenheuer & Witsch (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Klett-Cotta Verlag
Publisher - Michael Meller Literary Agency
Literary Agency - Verlagsgruppe Oetinger
Publisher - Piper Verlag
Publisher - Agentur Poppenhusen
Literary Agency - Penguin Random House Germany
Publisher - Agentur Nina Sillem (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Ullstein Buchverlage
Publisher - Wiedling Literary Agency
Literary Agency - Wallstein Verlag (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Frankrijk / France
- Melsene Timsit and Son Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Editions Perrin
- Editions Le Cherche Midi
- Editions Plon
- Editions Presses de la Cité
- Editions Récamier
- Place des Éditeurs
- The Deborah Harris Literary Agency
Literary Agency - TBP Agency
Literary Agency
Italië / Italy
- Elastica (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Grandi & Associati (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - Il Saggiatore (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Iperborea (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Otago Literary Agency
Literary Agency - Sellerio Editore
- Danny Hong Agency
Literary Agency - BC Agency
Literary Agency - GreenBook Agency
Literary Agency
Nederland / the Netherlands
- Bot Uitgevers (world rights)
Publisher - A.W. Bruna Uitgevers (world rights)
Publisher - Blossom Books (world rights, non-exclusive)
Publisher - KNNV uitgeverij (world rights)
Publisher - Omdenken BV (world rights)
Publisher - Singel Uitgeverijen (world rights, non-exclusive)
Publisher - VU University Press (world rights, non-exclusive)
Publisher - Xander Publishers (world rights, non-exclusive)
Spanje / Spain
- Ute Körner Literary Agent
Literary Agency - International Editors'Co
Literary Agency - MB Agencia Literaria
Literary Agency - The Ella Sher Literary Agency ((Dutch + German + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Planeta
Turkije / Turkey
Onk Agency
Literary Agency -
AnatoliaLit Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency
Verenigd Koninkrijk / UK
- Fitzcarraldo Editions
Publisher - Hannah Sheppard Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Joyce Literary Rights Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Maria Cardona Serra (Aevitas) (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Pérez Literary & Entertainment (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Portobello Literary (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Zeno Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency
Zweden / Sweden
- Carina Deschamps Agency
Literary Agency - Largercrantz Agency
Literary Agency
Zwitserland / Switzerland
- Paul & Peter Fritz Literary Agency
Literary Agency - Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Zuid-Afrika / South-Africa
- Lennon - Richie Agency (Dutch + Nordic Rights)
Literary Agency