Marianne Schönbach Literary Agency is one of the Netherlands' most established and internationally well-known literary agencies. We represent translation rights in the Netherlands and the Nordic territories for clients from European countries, the US, Canada, Australia, Israel, Turkey, and China.
Amerika / U.S.A.
- Abrams Books (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Alliance Rights Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - Anderson Literary Management
Literary agency - Ayesha Pande Literary (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - Bernstein Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - Stuart Bernstein Representation for Artists
Literary agency - Bookcase Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - BookEnds Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - Georges Borchardt Inc.
Literary agency - Calligraph (Dutch + Nordic rights)
- Literary agency
- Chase Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
- Literary agency
- The Gernert Company
Literary agency - Granity Studios
Publisher - Harlequin Trade Publishing (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Harper Collins U.S.A. (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Harper Collins Children’s Books U.S. (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - JABberwocky (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - John Hawkins & Associates
Literary agency - Hill Nadell
Literary agency - HG Agency
Literary agency - The Lotts Agency
- Literary agency
- McCormick Literary
Literary agency - Melville House Publishing
Publisher - W.W. Norton & Company (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Park, Fine & Brower
Literary agency - Parse Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - Penguin Group
Publisher - Princeton University Press
Publisher - Red Hen Press (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Jane Rotrosen Agency
Literary Agency - Shambhala Publications
Publisher - Denise Shannon Literary Agency
Literary Agency - Sobel Weber Associates
Literary Agency - Philip G. Spitzer Literary Agency
Literary Agency - Sterling Lord Literistic
Literary Agency - Straus Literary
Literary Agency - The Whalen Agency
Literary Agency - Wattpad Webtoon (Dutch + Nordic rights)
- Nancy Yost Literary Agency
Literary Agency - Zone Books
Australië / Australia
- Jenny Darling & Associates
Literary Agency - Pantera Press
België / Belgium
- Zeitgeist Agency
Literary Agency
Brazilië / Brazil
- Agência Riff (Dutch + German + Nordic rights)
Literary agency
- Acacia House
Literary agency - Bukowski Agency
Literary agency - Harper Collins Canada
Publisher - Transatlantic Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - Westwood Creative Artists
Literary agency
- The Grayhawk Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - CA-Link Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency
Duitsland / Germany
- AVA International Autoren- und Verlagsagentur
Literary Agency - Beltz Verlagsgruppe (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Campus Verlag (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - C.H. Beck Verlag
- Publisher
- Verlagsgruppe Droemer Knaur
Publisher - dtv Verlag (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Goya
Literary Agency - Verlage Herbig & Nymphenburger
Literary Agency - Kosmos Verlag (kinderboeken)
Publisher - Edition Nautilus
Publisher - S. Fischer Verlage (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Literarische Agentur Gaeb & Eggers
Literary Agency - Marcel Hartges Literatur- und Filmagentur
Literary Agency - Hoffmann und Campe Verlag
- Publisher
- Keil + Keil Literatur-Agentur
Literary Agency - Kiepenheuer & Witsch (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Klett-Cotta Verlag
Publisher - Michael Meller Literary Agency
Literary Agency - Verlagsgruppe Oetinger
Publisher - Piper Verlag
Publisher - Agentur Poppenhusen
Literary Agency - Penguin Random House Germany
Publisher - Agentur Nina Sillem (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Ullstein Buchverlage
Publisher - Wiedling Literary Agency
Literary Agency - Wallstein Verlag (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Frankrijk / France
- Melsene Timsit and Son Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Editions Perrin
- Editions Le Cherche Midi
- Editions Plon
- Editions Presses de la Cité
- Editions Récamier
- Place des Éditeurs
- The Deborah Harris Literary Agency
Literary Agency - TBP Agency
Literary Agency
Italië / Italy
- Elastica (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Grandi & Associati (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary agency - Il Saggiatore (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Publisher - Iperborea (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Otago Literary Agency
Literary Agency - Sellerio Editore
- Danny Hong Agency
Literary Agency - BC Agency
Literary Agency - GreenBook Agency
Literary Agency
Nederland / the Netherlands
- Bot Uitgevers (world rights)
Publisher - A.W. Bruna Uitgevers (world rights)
Publisher - Blossom Books (world rights, non-exclusive)
Publisher - KNNV uitgeverij (world rights)
Publisher - Omdenken BV (world rights)
Publisher - Singel Uitgeverijen (world rights, non-exclusive)
Publisher - VU University Press (world rights, non-exclusive)
Publisher - Xander Publishers (world rights, non-exclusive)
Spanje / Spain
- Ute Körner Literary Agent
Literary Agency - International Editors'Co
Literary Agency - MB Agencia Literaria
Literary Agency - The Ella Sher Literary Agency ((Dutch + German + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Planeta
Turkije / Turkey
Onk Agency
Literary Agency -
AnatoliaLit Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency
Verenigd Koninkrijk / UK
- Fitzcarraldo Editions
Publisher - Hannah Sheppard Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Joyce Literary Rights Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Maria Cardona Serra (Aevitas) (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Pérez Literary & Entertainment (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Portobello Literary (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency - Zeno Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
Literary Agency
Zweden / Sweden
- Carina Deschamps Agency
Literary Agency - Largercrantz Agency
Literary Agency
Zwitserland / Switzerland
- Paul & Peter Fritz Literary Agency
Literary Agency - Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Zuid-Afrika / South-Africa
- Lennon - Richie Agency (Dutch + Nordic Rights)
Literary Agency