Art | 408 p.
Art Safari: the Joy of Hunting for Art
Oscar van Gelderen & Manuela Klerkx &
An inspiring and practical guide about buying art: how it works and how to go about it.
Many people feel that art is an elitist hobby, not accessible to ‘normal people’. Galleries are being experienced as intimidating white cube venues, prices charged are not transparent (‘asking price’), and the accompanying texts are more confusing than clarifying.
But there is good news too: possessing art is not limited to the happy few. You can buy art for as little as a few hundred euros (if you do some research and dare to buy ‘early on’). The art world is characterized by whole language of its own and is ruled by codes that Manuela Klerkx and Oscar van Gelderen are trying to break in Art Safari. How are prices being established? Can you bargain with galleries? How does an art fair work? There is so much choice: what to buy and how to buy it?
Good to Know
- Finished copies (with photo section); final Dutch pdf, and partial English translation available.
- Written with flair, inside knowledge of the subject, a lot of enthusiasm, and tongue-in-cheek humour.
- The authors are willing to update the book for different territories.
- A must-read for all (aspiring) art collectors.
- The authors will travel to all major art cities during the summer of ’18, and will use their research for coming translations.
- The website for the book, with an international entry, will be updated regularly: ontroerendgoed.nl.
- Ga op zoek naar de Stoners van de kunst
Trouw - ‘Wij zijn nooit lang ernstig’: interview met Manuela Klerkx en Oscar van Gelderen
Het Financieele Dagblad - Leesfragment: Ontroerend goed
Athenaeum Boekhandel - De 50 belangrijkste (levende) kunstenaars van Nederland
Het Parool
- Ga op zoek naar de Stoners van de kunst
Manuela Klerkx over Karl Vondal
Karl Vondal is een Oostenrijkse kunstenaar die vooral bekend werd door zijn tekeningen van vrouwen.
Want to know more?
For all your enquiries about Oscar van Gelderen please contact: Marianne Schönbach.